(1) A health care service contractor shall not require proof of insurability as a condition for issuance of the conversion contract.
(2) A conversion contract may not contain an exclusion for preexisting conditions for any applicant.
(3) A health care service contractor must offer at least three contract benefit plans that comply with the following:
(a) A major medical plan with a five thousand dollar deductible per person;
(b) A comprehensive medical plan with a five hundred dollar deductible per person; and
(c) A basic medical plan with a one thousand dollar deductible per person.
(4) The insurance commissioner may revise the deductible amounts in subsection (3) of this section from time to time to reflect changing health care costs.
(5) The insurance commissioner shall adopt rules to establish minimum benefit standards for conversion contracts.
(6) The commissioner shall adopt rules to establish specific standards for conversion contract provisions. These rules may include but are not limited to:
(a) Terms of renewability;
(b) Nonduplication of coverage;
(c) Benefit limitations, exceptions, and reductions; and
(d) Definitions of terms.
[ 2019 c 33 § 5; 2011 c 314 § 7; 1984 c 190 § 7.]
Effective date—2019 c 33: See note following RCW 48.43.005.
Legislative intent—Severability—1984 c 190: See notes following RCW 48.21.250.