(1) Each group contract for comprehensive health care service which is entered into, or renewed, on or after September 8, 1983, between a health care service contractor and the person or persons to receive such care shall offer coverage for chiropractic care on the same basis as any other care.
(2) A patient of a chiropractor shall not be denied benefits under a contract because the practitioner is not licensed under chapter 18.57 or 18.71 RCW.
(3) This section shall not apply to a group contract for comprehensive health care services entered into in accordance with a collective bargaining agreement between management and labor representatives. Benefits for chiropractic care shall be offered by the employer in good faith on the same basis as any other care as a subject for collective bargaining for group contracts for health care services.
[ 1986 c 223 § 8; 1983 c 286 § 2.]
Severability—1983 c 286: See note following RCW 48.44.309.