Minimum net worth—Domestic or foreign health care service contractor.

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(1) For purposes of this section:

(a) "Domestic health care service contractor" means a health care service contractor formed under the laws of this state; and

(b) "Foreign health care service contractor" means a health care service contractor formed under the laws of the United States, of a state or territory of the United States other than this state, or of the District of Columbia.

(2) If the minimum net worth of a domestic health care service contractor falls below the minimum net worth required by this chapter, the commissioner shall at once ascertain the amount of the deficiency and serve notice upon the domestic health care service contractor to cure the deficiency within ninety days after that service of notice.

(3) If the deficiency is not cured, and proof thereof filed with the commissioner within the ninety-day period, the domestic health care service contractor shall be declared insolvent and shall be proceeded against as authorized by this code, or the commissioner shall, consistent with chapters 48.04 and 34.05 RCW, suspend or revoke the registration of the domestic health care service contractor as being hazardous to its subscribers and the people in this state.

(4) If the deficiency is not cured the domestic health care service contractor shall not issue or deliver any individual or group contract after the expiration of the ninety-day period.

(5) If the minimum net worth of a foreign health care service contractor falls below the minimum net worth required by this chapter, the commissioner shall, consistent with chapters 48.04 and 34.05 RCW, suspend or revoke the foreign health care service contractor's registration as being hazardous to its subscribers or the people in this state.

[ 1997 c 212 § 3.]

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