Requirements for plans offered to small employers—Definitions.

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(1) A health care service contractor may not offer any health benefit plan to any small employer without complying with RCW 48.44.023(3).

(2) Employers purchasing health plans provided through associations or through member-governed groups formed specifically for the purpose of purchasing health care are not small employers and the plans are not subject to RCW 48.44.023(3).

(3) For purposes of this section, "health benefit plan," "health plan," and "small employer" mean the same as defined in RCW 48.43.005.

[ 2003 c 248 § 15; 1995 c 265 § 23.]


Captions not law—Effective dates—Savings—Severability—1995 c 265: See notes following RCW 70.47.015.

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