(1) A person may not in this state, by mail or otherwise, act as or hold himself or herself out to be a health care service contractor, as defined in RCW 48.44.010 without first being registered with the commissioner.
(2) The issuance, sale, or offer for sale in this state of securities of its own issue by any health care service contractor domiciled in this state other than the memberships and bonds of a nonprofit corporation shall be subject to the provisions of chapter 48.06 RCW relating to obtaining solicitation permits the same as if health care service contractors were domestic insurers.
(3) Any person violating any provision of subsection (2) of this section is guilty of a gross misdemeanor and will, upon conviction, be fined not more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned for not more than six months, or both, for each violation.
[ 2003 c 250 § 7; 1983 c 202 § 2; 1969 c 115 § 6.]
Severability—2003 c 250: See note following RCW 48.01.080.