(1) All RBC reports, to the extent the information therein is not required to be set forth in a publicly available annual statement schedule, and RBC plans, including the results or report of any examination or analysis of a carrier and any corrective order issued by the commissioner, with respect to any domestic carrier or foreign carrier that are filed with the commissioner constitute information that might be damaging to the carrier if made available to its competitors, and therefore shall be kept confidential by the commissioner. This information shall not be made public or be subject to subpoena, other than by the commissioner and then only for the purpose of enforcement actions taken by the commissioner.
(2) The comparison of a carrier's total adjusted capital to any of its RBC levels is a regulatory tool that may indicate the need for possible corrective action with respect to the carrier, and is not a means to rank carriers generally. Therefore, except as otherwise required under the provisions of RCW 48.43.300 through 48.43.370, the making, publishing, disseminating, circulating, or placing before the public, or causing, directly or indirectly, to be made, published, disseminated, circulated, or placed before the public, in a newspaper, magazine, or other publication, or in the form of a notice, circular, pamphlet, letter, or poster, or over any radio or television station, or in any other way, an advertisement, announcement, or statement containing an assertion, representation, or statement with regard to the RBC levels of any carrier, or of any component derived in the calculation, by any carrier, insurance producer, or other person engaged in any manner in the insurance business would be misleading and is therefore prohibited. However, if any materially false statement with respect to the comparison regarding a carrier's total adjusted capital to its RBC levels (or any of them) or an inappropriate comparison of any other amount to the carrier's RBC levels is published in any written publication and the carrier is able to demonstrate to the commissioner with substantial proof the falsity of such statement, or the inappropriateness, as the case may be, then the carrier may publish an announcement in a written publication if the sole purpose of the announcement is to rebut the materially false statement.
(3) The RBC instructions, RBC reports, adjusted RBC reports, RBC plans, and revised RBC plans are intended solely for use by the commissioner in monitoring the solvency of carriers and the need for possible corrective action with respect to carriers and shall not be used by the commissioner for ratemaking nor considered or introduced as evidence in any rate proceeding nor used by the commissioner to calculate or derive any elements of an appropriate premium level or rate of return for any line of insurance that a carrier or any affiliate is authorized to write.
[ 2008 c 217 § 49; 1998 c 241 § 8.]
Severability—Effective date—2008 c 217: See notes following RCW 48.03.020.