(1) The assuming alien reinsurer must register with the commissioner and must:
(a) File with the commissioner evidence of its submission to this state's jurisdiction and to this state's authority to examine its books and records under chapter 48.03 RCW;
(b) Designate the commissioner as its lawful attorney upon whom service of all papers may be made for an action, suit, or proceeding instituted by or on behalf of the ceding insurer;
(c) File with the commissioner a certified copy of a letter or a certificate of authority or a certificate of compliance issued by the assuming alien insurer's domiciliary jurisdiction and the domiciliary jurisdiction of its United States reinsurance trust;
(d) Submit a statement, signed and verified by an officer of the assuming alien insurer to be true and correct, that discloses whether the assuming alien insurer or an affiliated person who owns or has a controlling interest in the assuming alien insurer is currently known to be the subject of one or more of the following:
(i) An order or proceeding regarding conservation, liquidation, or receivership;
(ii) An order or proceeding regarding the revocation or suspension of a license or accreditation to transact insurance or reinsurance in any jurisdiction; or
(iii) An order or proceeding brought by an insurance regulator in any jurisdiction seeking to restrict or stop the assuming alien insurer from transacting insurance or reinsurance based upon a hazardous financial condition.
The assuming alien insurer shall provide the commissioner with copies of all orders or other documents initiating proceedings subject to disclosure under this subsection. The statement must affirm that no actions, proceedings, or orders subject to this subsection are outstanding against the assuming alien insurer or an affiliated person who owns or has a controlling interest in the assuming alien insurer, except as disclosed in the statement;
(e) File other information, financial or otherwise, which the commissioner reasonably requests.
(2) A registration continues in force until suspended, revoked, or not renewed. A registration is subject to renewal annually on the first day of July upon application of the assuming alien insurer and payment of the fee in the same amount as an insurer pays for renewal of a certificate of authority.
(3) The commissioner shall give an assuming alien insurer notice of his or her intention to revoke or refuse to renew its registration at least ten days before the order of revocation or refusal is to become effective.
(4) The commissioner shall, consistent with chapters 48.04 and 34.05 RCW, deny or revoke an assuming alien insurer's registration if the assuming alien insurer no longer qualifies or meets the requirements for registration.
(5) The commissioner may, consistent with chapters 48.04 and 34.05 RCW, deny or revoke an assuming alien insurer's registration if the assuming alien insurer:
(a) Fails to comply with a provision of this chapter or fails to comply with an order or regulation of the commissioner;
(b) Is found by the commissioner to be in such a condition that its further transaction of reinsurance would be hazardous to ceding insurers, policyholders, or the people in this state;
(c) Refuses to remove or discharge a trustee, director, or officer who has been convicted of a crime involving fraud, dishonesty, or moral turpitude;
(d) Usually compels policy-holding claimants either to accept less than the amount due them or to bring suit against the assuming alien insurer to secure full payment of the amount due;
(e) Refuses to be examined, or its trustees, directors, officers, employees, or representatives refuse to submit to examination or to produce its accounts, records, and files for examination by the commissioner when required, or refuse to perform a legal obligation relative to the examination;
(f) Refuses to submit to the jurisdiction of the United States courts;
(g) Fails to pay a final judgment rendered against it:
(i) Within thirty days after the judgment became final;
(ii) Within thirty days after time for taking an appeal has expired; or
(iii) Within thirty days after dismissal of an appeal before final determination;
whichever date is later;
(h) Is found by the commissioner, after investigation or upon receipt of reliable information:
(i) To be managed by persons, whether by its trustees, directors, officers, or by other means, who are incompetent or untrustworthy or so lacking in insurance company management experience as to make proposed operation hazardous to the insurance-buying public; or
(ii) That there is good reason to believe it is affiliated directly or indirectly through ownership, control, or business relations, with a person or persons whose business operations are, or have been found to be, in violation of any law or rule, to the detriment of policyholders, stockholders, investors, creditors, or of the public, by bad faith or by manipulation of the assets, accounts, or reinsurance;
(i) Does business through reinsurance intermediaries or other representatives in this state or in any other state, who are not properly licensed under applicable laws and rules; or
(j) Fails to pay, by the date due, any amounts required by this code.
(6) A domestic ceding insurer is not allowed credit with respect to reinsurance ceded, if the assuming alien insurer's registration has been revoked by the commissioner.
(7) The actual costs and expenses incurred by the commissioner for an examination of a registered alien insurer must be charged to and collected from the alien reinsurer.
(8) A registered alien reinsurer is included as a "class one" organization for the purposes of RCW 48.02.190.
[ 1997 c 379 § 7. Formerly RCW 48.12.166.]
Purpose—Intent—1997 c 379: See note following RCW 48.12.470.