(1) Every registered home heating fuel service contract provider that is assuring its faithful performance of its obligations to its contract holders by complying with RCW 48.111.040(2)(b) shall file an annual report for the preceding calendar year with the commissioner on or before March 1st of each year, or within any extension of time the commissioner for good cause may grant. The report must be in the form and contain those matters as the commissioner prescribes and must be verified by at least two officers of the home heating fuel service contract provider.
(2) As part of an investigation by the commissioner, the commissioner may require a home heating fuel service contract provider to file monthly financial reports whenever, in the commissioner's discretion, there is a need to more closely monitor the financial activities of the service contract provider. Monthly financial statements must be filed in the commissioner's office no later than the twenty-fifth day of the month following the month for which the financial report is being filed. These monthly financial reports must be the internal financial statements of the service contract provider. The monthly financial reports that are filed with the commissioner constitute information that might be damaging to the service contract provider if made available to its competitors, and therefore shall be kept confidential by the commissioner. This information may not be made public or be subject to subpoena, other than by the commissioner and then only for the purpose of enforcement actions taken by the commissioner.
[ 2006 c 36 § 4.]