(1) An insurer may not retain any risk on any one subject of insurance, whether located or to be performed in this state or elsewhere, in an amount exceeding ten percent of its surplus to policyholders.
(2) For the purposes of this section, a "subject of insurance" as to insurance against fire includes all properties insured by the same insurer that are reasonably subject to loss or damage from the same fire.
(3) Reinsurance in an alien reinsurer not qualified under *RCW 48.12.166 may not be deducted in determining risk retained for the purposes of this section.
(4) In the case of surety insurance, the net retention shall be computed after deduction of reinsurances, the amount assumed by any co-surety, the value of any security deposited, pledged, or held subject to the consent of the surety and for the protection of the surety.
(5) This section does not apply to life insurance, disability insurance, title insurance, or insurance of marine risks or marine protection and indemnity risks.
[ 2005 c 223 § 4; 1993 c 462 § 53; 1983 c 3 § 149; 1959 c 225 § 2; 1947 c 79 § .11.14; Rem. Supp. 1947 § 45.11.14.]
*Reviser's note: RCW 48.12.166 was recodified as RCW 48.12.475 pursuant to 2015 c 63 § 17.
Severability—Implementation—1993 c 462: See RCW 48.31B.901 and 48.31B.902.