For the purposes of this code other than as to chapter 48.19 RCW "ocean marine and foreign trade insurances" shall include only:
(1) Insurances upon vessels, crafts, hulls, and of interests therein or with relation thereto;
(2) Insurance of marine builders' risks, marine war risks, and contracts of marine protection and indemnity insurance;
(3) Insurance of freights and disbursements pertaining to a subject of insurance coming within this definition;
(4) Insurance of personal property and interests therein, in course of exportation from or importation into any country, or in course of transportation coastwise, including transportation by land, water, or air from point of origin to final destination, in respect to, appertaining to, or in connection with, any and all risks or perils of navigation, transit, or transportation, and while being prepared for and while awaiting shipment, and during any delays, storage, transshipment, or reshipment incident thereto.
[ 2007 c 80 § 5.]