Legislative declaration.

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The legislature recognizes that significant benefits accrue to the state and that certain types of state operations are more efficient when personnel services are available on an extended basis. Such operations include certain types of facilities managed by agencies such as the departments of natural resources, corrections, fish and wildlife, social and health services, transportation, and veterans affairs, and the parks and recreation commission.

The means of assuring that such personnel are available on an extended basis is through the establishment of on-site state-owned or leased living facilities. The legislature also recognizes the restrictions and hardship placed upon those personnel who are required to reside in such state-owned or leased living facilities in order to provide extended personnel services.

The legislature further recognizes that there are instances where it is to the benefit of the state to have state-owned or leased living facilities occupied even though such occupancy is not required by the agency as a condition of employment.

[ 1994 c 264 § 27; 1988 c 36 § 19; 1985 c 463 § 1.]

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