The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Authority" means the health care authority.
(2) "Covered drug" means any prescription drug that:
(a) A covered manufacturer intends to introduce to the market at a wholesale acquisition cost of ten thousand dollars or more for a course of treatment lasting less than one month or a thirty-day supply, whichever period is longer; or
(b) Is currently on the market, is manufactured by a covered manufacturer, and has a wholesale acquisition cost of more than one hundred dollars for a course of treatment lasting less than one month or a thirty-day supply, and, taking into account only price increases that take effect after July 28, 2019, the manufacturer increases the wholesale acquisition cost at least:
(i) Twenty percent, including the proposed increase and the cumulative increase over one calendar year prior to the date of the proposed increase; or
(ii) Fifty percent, including the proposed increase and the cumulative increase over three calendar years prior to the date of the proposed increase.
(3) "Covered manufacturer" means a person, corporation, or other entity engaged in the manufacture of prescription drugs sold in or into Washington state. "Covered manufacturer" does not include a private label distributor or retail pharmacy that sells a drug under the retail pharmacy's store, or a prescription drug repackager.
(4) "Health care provider," "health plan," "health carrier," and "carrier" mean the same as in RCW 48.43.005.
(5) "Pharmacy benefit manager" means the same as in *RCW 19.340.010.
(6) "Pharmacy services administrative organization" means an entity that contracts with a pharmacy to act as the pharmacy's agent with respect to matters involving a pharmacy benefit manager, third-party payor, or other entities, including negotiating, executing, or administering contracts with the pharmacy benefit manager, third-party payor, or other entities and provides administrative services to pharmacies.
(7) "Prescription drug" means a drug regulated under chapter 69.41 or 69.50 RCW, including generic, brand name, specialty drugs, and biological products that are prescribed for outpatient use and distributed in a retail setting.
(8) "Qualifying price increase" means a price increase described in subsection (2)(b) of this section.
(9) "Wholesale acquisition cost" or "price" means, with respect to a prescription drug, the manufacturer's list price for the drug to wholesalers or direct purchasers in the United States, excluding any discounts, rebates, or reductions in price, for the most recent month for which the information is available, as reported in wholesale price guides or other publications of prescription drug pricing.
[ 2019 c 334 § 2.]
*Reviser's note: RCW 19.340.010 was repealed by 2020 c 240 § 19, effective January 1, 2022.