(1) The legislature finds that the state of Washington has implemented a number of successful measures to streamline, coordinate, and consolidate the multiparty, multijurisdictional permitting and regulatory decision-making process. The office of regulatory assistance was developed and implemented at a time when the state faced a crisis in its economic competitiveness. The multiagency permitting team for transportation was developed and implemented at a time when the state's transportation system faced a crisis in public confidence concerning transportation project delivery. The legislature further finds that the state of Washington is now facing an economic and financial crisis that requires immediate action to spur economic development and the creation of jobs without sacrificing the quality of the state's environment.
(2) The legislature intends to:
(a) Draw from and extend the benefits of proven permit streamlining solutions to future project proponents and aid the state's recovery by authorizing optional multiagency permitting teams modeled after the multiagency permitting team developed and implemented for state transportation projects. It is the purpose of chapter 162, Laws of 2010 to provide willing permit applicants and project proponents with permit coordination and integrated regulatory decision-making services on a cost-reimbursed basis; and
(b) Phase-in a revenue-neutral permit streamlining approach to expedite permit and regulatory decision making while ensuring a high level of environmental protection.
[ 2010 c 162 § 2.]
Effective date—2010 c 162: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect immediately [March 22, 2010]." [ 2010 c 162 § 8.]