(1) The office of the Washington state trade representative is created in the office of the governor. The office shall serve as the state's official liaison with foreign governments on trade matters.
(2) The office shall:
(a) Work with the *department of community, trade, and economic development, the department of agriculture, and other appropriate state agencies, and within the agencies' existing resources, review and analyze proposed and enacted international trade agreements and provide an assessment of the impact of the proposed or enacted agreement on Washington's businesses and firms;
(b) Provide input to the office of the United States trade representative in the development of international trade, commodity, and direct investment policies that reflect the concerns of the state of Washington;
(c) Serve as liaison to the legislature on matters of trade policy oversight including, but not limited to, updates to the legislature regarding the status of trade negotiations, trade litigation, and the impacts of trade policy on Washington state businesses;
(d) Work with the international trade division of the *department of community, trade, and economic development and the international marketing program of the Washington state department of agriculture to develop a statewide strategy designed to increase the export of Washington goods and services, particularly goods and services from small and medium-sized businesses; and
(e) Conduct other activities the governor deems necessary to promote international trade and foreign investment within the state.
(3) The office shall prepare and submit an annual report on its activities under subsection (2) of this section to the governor and appropriate committees of the legislature.
[ 2003 c 346 § 2; 1995 c 350 § 2.]
Reviser's note: *(1) The "department of community, trade, and economic development" was renamed the "department of commerce" by 2009 c 565.
(2) Substitute House Bill No. 1059, Substitute House Bill No. 1173, and Engrossed Substitute House Bill No. 1827 were enacted during the 2003 regular session of the legislature, but were vetoed in part by the governor. A stipulated judgment, No. 03-2-01988-4 filed in the Superior Court of Thurston County, between the governor and the legislature, settled litigation over the governor's use of veto powers and declared the vetoes of SHB 1059, SHB 1173, and ESHB 1827 null and void. Consequently, the text of this section has been returned to the version passed by the legislature prior to the vetoes. For vetoed text and message, see chapter 346, Laws of 2003.