(1) The manufacturing cluster acceleration subaccount is established in the economic development strategic reserve account. All receipts from appropriations made to the manufacturing cluster acceleration subaccount shall be deposited into the subaccount.
(2) The department may make expenditures from the subaccount to support regional cluster acceleration strategies, including: Supporting projects to assist manufacturers to diversify their customer base and supply chain, supporting pilot or demonstration manufacturing projects coordination with organized cluster initiatives, and supporting projects that are intended to increase manufacturing and research and development jobs regionally.
(3) The department is encouraged to seek match funds for any funds appropriated to this account [subaccount] and may utilize funds to match nonstate funds being expended on a specific project that aligns with the purpose of this section.
[ 2021 c 64 § 5.]
Short title—2021 c 64: See note following RCW 43.330.760.