The joint legislative audit and review committee shall conduct a review of state-funded programs that serve unaccompanied homeless youth under the age of eighteen, including dependent youth, to determine what performance measures exist, what statutory reporting requirements exist, and whether there is reliable data on ages of youth served, length of stay, and effectiveness of program exit and reentry. Where statutory reporting requirements do exist, the joint legislative audit and review committee shall review the programs' compliance with relevant statutory reporting requirements. The committee shall report on what services are provided to unaccompanied homeless youth including, but not limited to: Outreach and other nonshelter services, shelter services, and family reconciliation. The committee is also to report on the number of unaccompanied homeless youth statewide and by county and city and how this number is determined. The programs reviewed may include, but are not limited to, HOPE centers as described in RCW 43.185C.315 and crisis residential centers as described in RCW 43.185C.295.
[ 2015 c 69 § 9.]