(1) The office of homeless youth prevention and protection programs shall identify data and outcomes measures from which to evaluate future public investment in homeless youth services.
(2) By December 1, 2016, and in compliance with RCW 43.01.036, the office of homeless youth prevention and protection programs must submit a report to the governor and the legislature to inform recommendations for funding, policy, and best practices in the five priority service areas identified in RCW 43.330.700 and present recommendations to address funding, policy, and practice gaps in the state system.
(3) Recommendations must include, but are not limited to: Strategies to enhance coordination between providers of youth homelessness programs and the child welfare system, and strategies for communities to identify homeless youth and ensure their protection and referral to appropriate services, including family reconciliation and transition to dependent status for minors.
[ 2015 c 69 § 6.]