If the total requested dollar amount of funds for refueling projects under *RCW 43.325.020(4) exceeds the amount available for refueling projects in the energy freedom account created in *RCW 43.325.040, the applications must be prioritized based upon the following criteria:
(1) The extent to which the project will help reduce dependence on petroleum fuels and imported energy either directly or indirectly;
(2) The extent to which the project will reduce air and water pollution either directly or indirectly;
(3) The extent to which the project will establish a viable bioenergy production capacity in Washington;
(4) The extent to which the project will make biofuels more accessible to the motoring public;
(5) The benefits to Washington's agricultural producers; and
(6) The number and quality of jobs and economic benefits created by the project.
[ 2007 c 348 § 304.]
*Reviser's note: RCW 43.325.020 and 43.325.040 expired June 30, 2016.