Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter.
(1) "Authorized representative" means an employee of a state agency, city, or county acting on behalf of the department.
(2) "Certified manufactured home installer" means a person who is in the business of installing mobile or manufactured homes and who has been issued a certificate by the department as provided in this chapter.
(3) "Department" means the department of labor and industries.
(4) "Director" means the director of labor and industries.
(5) "Manufactured home" means a single-family dwelling built in accordance with the department of housing and urban development manufactured home construction and safety standards act, which is a national, preemptive building code.
(6) "Mobile or manufactured home installation" means all on-site work necessary for the installation of a manufactured home, including:
(a) Construction of the foundation system;
(b) Installation of the support piers and earthquake resistant bracing system;
(c) Required connection to foundation system and support piers;
(d) Skirting;
(e) Connections to the on-site water and sewer systems that are necessary for the normal operation of the home; and
(f) Extension of the pressure relief valve for the water heater.
(7) "Manufactured home standards" means the manufactured home construction and safety standards as promulgated by the United States department of housing and urban development (HUD).
(8) "Mobile home" means a factory-built dwelling built prior to June 15, 1976, to standards other than the HUD code, and acceptable under applicable state codes in effect at the time of construction or introduction of the home into the state. Mobile homes have not been built since introduction of the HUD manufactured home construction and safety standards act.
(9) "Training course" means the education program administered by the department, or the education course administered by an approved educational provider, as a prerequisite to taking the examination for certification.
(10) "Approved educational provider" means an organization approved by the department to provide education and training of manufactured home installers and local inspectors.
[ 2007 c 432 § 3; 1998 c 124 § 6; 1994 c 284 § 15. Formerly RCW 43.63B.010.]