(1) A sponsor may propose an environmental excellence program agreement. A trade association or other authorized representative of a sponsor or sponsors may propose a programmatic environmental excellence program agreement for multiple facilities.
(2) A sponsor must submit, at a minimum, the following information and other information that may be requested by the director or directors required to sign the agreement:
(a) A statement that describes how the proposal is consistent with the purpose of this chapter and the project approval criteria in RCW 43.21K.020;
(b)(i) For a site-specific proposal, a comprehensive description of the proposed environmental excellence project that includes the nature of the facility and the operations that will be affected, how the facility or operations will achieve results more effectively or efficiently, and the nature of the results anticipated; or
(ii) For a programmatic proposal, a comprehensive description of the proposed environmental excellence project that identifies the facilities and the operations that are expected to participate, how participating facilities or operations will achieve environmental results more effectively or efficiently, the nature of the results anticipated, and the method to identify and document the commitments made by individual participants;
(c) An environmental checklist, containing sufficient information to reasonably inform the public of the nature of the proposed environmental excellence program agreement and describing probable significant adverse environmental impacts and environmental benefits expected from implementation of the proposal;
(d) A draft environmental excellence program agreement;
(e) A description of the stakeholder process as provided in RCW 43.21K.050;
(f) A preliminary identification of the permit amendments or modifications that may be necessary to implement the proposed environmental excellence program agreement.
[ 1997 c 381 § 5.]