Complex needs funds.

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(1) Subject to the availability of amounts appropriated for this specific purpose, the department shall administer two complex needs funds to promote inclusive, least restrictive environments and to support contractors and providers serving children who have developmental delays, disabilities, behavioral needs, or other unique needs. The department shall work collaboratively with the office of the superintendent of public instruction and providers to best serve children. One fund must support early childhood education and assistance program contractors and providers and birth to three early childhood education and assistance program contractors and providers, and one fund must support licensed or certified child care providers and license-exempt child care programs.

(2) Support may include staffing, programming, therapeutic services, and equipment or technology support. Additional support may include activities to assist families with children expelled or at risk of expulsion from child care, and to help families transition in and out of child care.

[ 2021 c 199 § 303.]


Short title—Findings—Intent—Conflict with federal requirements—2021 c 199: See notes following RCW 43.216.770.

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