(1) The department is the state lead agency for Part C of the federal individuals with disabilities education act. The department shall administer the early support for infants and toddlers program, to provide early intervention services to all eligible children with disabilities from birth to three years of age. Eligibility shall be determined according to Part C of the federal individuals with disabilities education act or other applicable federal and state laws, and as specified in the Washington Administrative Code adopted by the department. Services provided under this section shall not supplant services or funding currently provided in the state for early intervention services to eligible children with disabilities from birth to three years of age.
(2)(a) Funding for the early support for infants and toddlers program shall be appropriated to the department based on the annual average headcount of children ages birth to three who are eligible for and receiving early intervention services, multiplied by the total statewide allocation generated by the distribution formula under RCW 28A.150.260 (4)(a), (5), (6), and (8) and the allocation under RCW 28A.150.415, per the statewide full-time equivalent enrollment in common schools, multiplied by 1.15.
(b) The department shall distribute funds to early intervention services providers, and, when appropriate, to county lead agencies.
(c) For the purposes of this subsection (2), a child is receiving early intervention services if the child has received services within a month prior to the monthly count day.
(3) Federal funds associated with Part C of the federal individuals with disabilities education act shall be subject to payor of last resort requirements pursuant to 34 C.F.R. Sec. 303.510 (2020) for birth-to-three early intervention services provided under this section.
(4) The services in this section are not part of the state's program of basic education pursuant to Article IX of the state Constitution.
[ 2020 c 90 § 1; 2017 3rd sp.s. c 6 § 216; 2016 c 57 § 3; 2007 c 115 § 7; 2006 c 269 § 2. Formerly RCW 28A.155.065.]
Effective date—2020 c 90: "This act takes effect September 1, 2020." [ 2020 c 90 § 10.]
Effective date—2017 3rd sp.s. c 6 §§ 102, 104-115, 201-227, 301-337, 401-419, 501-513, 801-803, and 805-822: See note following RCW 43.216.025.
Conflict with federal requirements—2017 3rd sp.s. c 6: See RCW 43.216.908.
Finding—2006 c 269: "The legislature finds an urgent and substantial need to enhance the development of all infants and toddlers with disabilities in Washington in order to minimize developmental delays and to maximize individual potential for learning and functioning." [ 2006 c 269 § 1.]