Early intervention services—Interagency agreements.

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The department shall enter into formal interagency agreements, where appropriate, with school districts, counties, and other providers, to define their relationships and financial and service responsibilities. Local agencies or entities, including local school districts, counties, and service providers receiving public money for providing or paying for early intervention services shall enter into formal interagency agreements with each other that define their relationships and financial responsibilities to provide services within each county. In establishing priorities, school districts, counties, and other service providers shall give due regard to the needs of children birth to three years of age and shall ensure that they continue to participate in providing services and collaborate with each other. The interagency agreements shall include procedures for resolving disputes, provisions for establishing maintenance requirements, and all additional components necessary to ensure collaboration and coordination.

[ 2020 c 90 § 5; 1992 c 198 § 16. Formerly RCW 43.215.476, 70.195.030.]


Effective date—2020 c 90: See note following RCW 43.216.580.

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