For the purposes of RCW 43.216.500 through 43.216.550 and 43.216.900 and 43.216.901, the department may award state support under RCW 43.216.500 through 43.216.530 to increase the numbers of eligible children assisted by the federal or state-supported early childhood programs in this state. Priority shall be given to those geographical areas which include a high percentage of families qualifying under the "eligible child" criteria. The overall program funding level shall be based on an average grant per child consistent with state appropriations made for program costs: PROVIDED, That programs addressing special needs of selected groups or communities shall be recognized in the department's rules.
[ 2019 c 408 § 11; 1994 c 166 § 10; 1990 c 33 § 214; 1987 c 518 § 102; 1985 c 418 § 9. Formerly RCW 43.215.440, 28A.215.180, 28A.34A.090.]
Findings—Intent—2019 c 408: See note following RCW 43.216.512.
Effective date—1994 c 166: See note following RCW 43.216.500.
Intent—1994 c 166; 1987 c 518: See note following RCW 43.216.525.
Severability—1987 c 518: See note following RCW 43.216.525.