Secretary to enter into agreements with health care authority—Division of responsibilities.

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The secretary shall enter into agreements with the director of the health care authority, in his or her capacity as the director of the designated single state agency to administer medical services programs under Titles XIX and XXI of the social security act, to establish the division of responsibilities between the agencies with respect to mental health, chemical dependency, and long-term care services, including services for people with developmental disabilities. Except to the extent expressly authorized in the omnibus operating budget or other legislative act and where necessary to improve coordination of care for individual clients, nothing in this section or in section 116, chapter 15, Laws of 2011 1st sp. sess. shall be construed as authorizing the secretary or the director to transfer funds appropriated to one agency or program in the omnibus operating budget to another agency or program.

[ 2011 1st sp.s. c 15 § 123.]


Effective date—Findings—Intent—Report—Agency transfer—References to head of health care authority—Draft legislation—2011 1st sp.s. c 15: See notes following RCW 74.09.010.

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