(1) Each local government shall consider the adoption of policies, rules, or ordinances to provide for the preferential purchase of recycled content products. Any local government may adopt the preferential purchasing policy of the department of enterprise services, or portions of such policy, or another policy that provides a preference for recycled content products.
(2) The department of enterprise services shall prepare one or more model recycled content preferential purchase policies suitable for adoption by local governments. The model policy shall be widely distributed and provided through the technical assistance and workshops under RCW 43.19A.070.
(3) A local government that is not subject to the purchasing authority of the department of enterprise services, and that adopts the preferential purchase policy or rules of the department, shall not be limited by the percentage price preference included in such policy or rules.
[ 2015 c 225 § 72; 1991 c 297 § 6.]