(1) If a person receives a withdrawal of accumulated contributions from any of the retirement systems listed in RCW 41.50.030 in contravention of the restrictions on withdrawal for the particular system, the member shall no longer be entitled to credit for the period of service represented by the withdrawn contributions. The erroneous withdrawal shall be treated as an authorized withdrawal, subject to all conditions imposed by the member's system for restoration of withdrawn contributions. Failure to restore the contributions within the time permitted by the system shall constitute a waiver by the member of any right to receive a retirement allowance based upon the period of service represented by the withdrawn contributions.
(2) All erroneous withdrawals occurring prior to June 9, 1994, shall be subject to the provisions of this section. The deadline for restoring the prior erroneous withdrawals shall be five years from June 9, 1994, for members who are currently active members of a system.
[ 1994 c 177 § 4.]
Findings—1994 c 177: See note following RCW 41.50.125.