A contractor shall not be allowed to bid on any public works contract for one year from the date of a final determination that the contractor has committed any combination of two of the following violations or infractions within a five-year period:
(1) Violated RCW 51.48.020(1) or 51.48.103;
(2) Committed an infraction or violation under chapter 18.27 RCW for performing work as an unregistered contractor; or
(3) Determined to be out of compliance by the Washington state apprenticeship and training council for working apprentices out of ratio, without appropriate supervision, or outside their approved work processes as outlined in their standards of apprenticeship under chapter 49.04 RCW.
[ 2009 c 197 § 3; 2008 c 120 § 3.]
Rules—Implementation—2009 c 197: See note following RCW 39.04.320.
Conflict with federal requirements—Severability—2008 c 120: See notes following RCW 18.27.030.