Before adopting an ordinance creating the state land improvement financing area, a city must:
(1) Provide written notice of a public hearing to each taxing jurisdiction that levies regular property taxes in the state land improvement financing area, publish notice of the public hearing in a legal newspaper of general circulation within the proposed state land improvement financing area at least ten days before the public hearing, and post the notice in at least six conspicuous public places located in the proposed state land improvement financing area. Notices must describe the contemplated public improvements, estimate the costs of the public improvements, describe the portion of the costs of the public improvements to be borne by state land improvement financing, describe any other sources of revenue to finance the public improvements, describe the boundaries of the proposed state land improvement financing area, and estimate the period during which state land improvement financing is contemplated to be used. The public hearing may be held by either the governing body of the city, or a committee of the governing body that includes at least a majority of the whole governing body;
(2) Hold a public hearing on the proposed financing of the public improvement in whole or in part with state land improvement financing; and
(3) Adopt an ordinance establishing the state land improvement financing area that describes the public improvements, describes the boundaries of the state land improvement financing area, estimates the cost of the public improvements and the portion of these costs to be financed by state land improvement financing, estimates the time during which regular property taxes are to be apportioned, provides the date when the apportionment of the regular property taxes will commence, and finds that the conditions of RCW 39.112.020 are met.
[ 2016 c 192 § 3.]