(1) Commencing in the second calendar year following board approval of a revenue development area, the county treasurer shall distribute receipts from regular taxes imposed on real property located in the revenue development area as follows:
(a) Each participating taxing district and the sponsoring local government shall receive that portion of its regular property taxes produced by the rate of tax levied by or for the taxing district on the property tax allocation revenue base value for that local infrastructure financing project in the taxing district; and
(b) The sponsoring local government shall receive an additional portion of the regular property taxes levied by it and by or for each participating taxing district upon the property tax allocation revenue value within the revenue development area. However, if there is no property tax allocation revenue value, the sponsoring local government shall not receive any additional regular property taxes under this subsection (1)(b). The sponsoring local government may agree to receive less than the full amount of the additional portion of regular property taxes under this subsection (1)(b) as long as bond debt service, reserve, and other bond covenant requirements are satisfied, in which case the balance of these tax receipts shall be allocated to the participating taxing districts that levied regular property taxes, or have regular property taxes levied for them, in the revenue development area for collection that year in proportion to their regular tax levy rates for collection that year. The sponsoring local government may request that the treasurer transfer this additional portion of the property taxes to its designated agent. The portion of the tax receipts distributed to the sponsoring local government or its agent under this subsection (1)(b) may only be expended to finance public improvement costs associated with the public improvements financed in whole or in part by local infrastructure financing.
(2) The county assessor shall determine the property tax allocation revenue value and property tax allocation revenue base value. This section does not authorize revaluations of real property by the assessor for property taxation that are not made in accordance with the assessor's revaluation plan under chapter 84.41 RCW or under other authorized revaluation procedures.
(3) The distribution of local property tax allocation revenue to the sponsoring local government must cease when local property tax allocation revenues are no longer obligated to pay the costs of the public improvements. Any excess local property tax allocation revenues and earnings on such revenues remaining at the time the distribution of local property tax allocation revenue terminates must be returned to the county treasurer and distributed to the participating taxing districts that imposed regular property taxes, or had regular property taxes imposed for it, in the revenue development area for collection that year, in proportion to the rates of their regular property tax levies for collection that year.
(4) The allocation to the revenue development area of that portion of the sponsoring local government's and each participating taxing district's regular property taxes levied by or for each taxing district upon the property tax allocation revenue value within that revenue development area is declared to be a public purpose of and benefit to the sponsoring local government and each participating taxing district.
(5) The distribution of local property tax allocation revenues pursuant to this section shall not affect or be deemed to affect the rate of taxes levied by or within any sponsoring local government and participating taxing district or the consistency of any such levies with the uniformity requirement of Article VII, section 1 of the state Constitution.
(6) This section does not apply to those revenue development areas that include any part of an increment area created under chapter 39.89 RCW.
[ 2009 c 267 § 4; 2007 c 229 § 7; 2006 c 181 § 302.]
Application—Severability—2007 c 229: See notes following RCW 39.102.020.