Prior to adopting the ordinance creating the revenue development area and to meet the requirements of *RCW 39.102.150(1)(b), a sponsoring local government and any cosponsoring local government must provide public notice.
(1) Notice of the public hearing must be published in a legal newspaper of general circulation within the proposed revenue development area at least ten days before the public hearing and posted in at least six conspicuous public places located in the proposed revenue development area.
(2) Notice must also be sent by United States mail to the property owners, all identifiable community-based organizations with involvement in the proposed revenue development area, and the business enterprises located within the proposed revenue development area at least thirty days prior to the hearing. In implementing provisions under this chapter, the local governing body may also consult with community-based groups, business organizations, including the local chamber of commerce, and the office of minority and women's business enterprises to assist with providing appropriate notice to business enterprises and property owners for whom English is a second language.
(3) Notices must describe the contemplated public improvements, estimate the public improvement costs, describe the portion of the public improvement costs to be borne by local infrastructure financing, describe any other sources of revenue to finance the public improvements, describe the boundaries of the proposed revenue development area, estimate the impact that the public improvements will have on small businesses and low-income housing, and estimate the period during which local infrastructure financing is contemplated to be used.
(4) Notices must inform the public where to obtain the information that shows how the limitations, conditions, and findings required in RCW 39.102.060 through 39.102.080 are met.
(5) The sponsoring local government and any cosponsoring local government shall deliver a certified copy of the proposed ordinance to the county treasurer, the governing body of each participating local government and participating taxing district within which the revenue development area is located, the board, and the department.
[ 2006 c 181 § 208.]
*Reviser's note: RCW 39.102.150 was amended by 2009 c 267 § 6, changing subsection (1)(b) to subsection (1)(a)(ii).