Before adopting an ordinance creating the revenue development area, a sponsoring local government must:
(1) Obtain written agreement from any participating local government and participating taxing district to use dedicated amounts of local excise tax allocation revenues, local property tax allocation revenues, and other revenues from local public sources in whole or in part, for local infrastructure financing authorized under this chapter. The agreement to opt into the local infrastructure financing public improvement project must be authorized by the governing body of such participating local government and participating taxing district;
(2) Estimate the impact of the revenue development area on small business and low-income housing and develop a mitigation plan for the impacted businesses and housing. In analyzing the impact of the revenue development area, the sponsoring local government must develop:
(a) An inventory of existing low-income housing units, and businesses and retail activity within the revenue development area;
(b) A reasonable estimate of the number of low-income housing units, small businesses, and other commercial activity that may be vulnerable to displacement within the revenue development area;
(c) A reasonable estimate of projected net job growth and net housing growth caused by creation of the revenue development area when compared to the existing jobs or housing balance for the area; and
(d) A reasonable estimate of the impact of net housing growth on the current housing price mix.
[ 2006 c 181 § 206.]