King county shall consist of the territory bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at the point of intersection of the center of East Passage (also known as Admiralty Inlet) on Puget Sound and the northerly line of the Puyallup Indian Reservation (projected northwesterly); thence southeasterly in a straight line along said northerly line of Puyallup Indian Reservation and same extended to a point on the east line of section thirty-one, township twenty-one, north, range four east, Willamette Meridian; thence south along said east line of section thirty-one, township twenty-one, range four east, Willamette Meridian, to the township line between township twenty north and township twenty-one north (being the fifth standard parallel north); thence east along said township line between township twenty north and township twenty-one north to the middle of the main channel of White river, near the northeast corner of section three, township twenty north, range five east, Willamette Meridian; thence upstream along the middle of the main channel of White river to the forks of White river and Greenwater river; thence upstream along the middle of the main channel of the Greenwater river to the forks of the Greenwater river and Meadow creek; thence upstream along the middle of the main channel of Meadow creek to the summit of the Cascade mountains, at a point known as Naches Pass, said point lying in the southwest quarter of section thirty-five, township nineteen north, range eleven east, Willamette Meridian; thence northerly along the summit of the Cascade mountains to a point on the township line between township twenty-six north and township twenty-seven north, said point lying near the north quarter-corner of section three, township twenty-six north, range thirteen east, Willamette Meridian; thence west along said township line between township twenty-six north and twenty-seven north to the middle of the channel known as Admiralty Inlet on Puget Sound; thence southerly along said middle of channel known as Admiralty Inlet through Colvo's Passage (West Passage) on the west side of Vashon Island to a point due north of Point Defiance; thence southeasterly along middle of channel between Vashon Island and Point Defiance (Dalcos Passage) to a point due south of Quartermaster Harbor; thence northeasterly along middle of channel known as Admiralty Inlet to point of beginning. King county is renamed in honor of the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.
[ 2005 c 90 § 1; 1 H.C. § 13; 1869 p 293 § 1; 1867 p 46 § 1; 1854 p 470 § 1; RRS § 3941.]
Reviser's note: Change in boundary by virtue of election in 1901 under chapter 36.08 RCW incorporated herein.