Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout RCW 28C.04.390 and 28C.04.420.
(1) "Applicant" means an educational institution which has made application for a job skills grant under RCW 28C.04.390 and 28C.04.420.
(2) "Business and industry" means a private corporation, institution, firm, person, group, or association concerned with commerce, trades, manufacturing, or the provision of services within the state, or a public or nonprofit hospital licensed by the department of social and health services.
(3) "College board" means the state board for community and technical colleges under chapter 28B.50 RCW.
(4) "Dislocated worker" means an individual who meets the definition of dislocated worker contained in P.L. 113-128 Sec. 3.
(5) "Educational institution" means a public secondary or postsecondary institution, an independent institution, or a private career school or college within the state authorized by law to provide a program of skills training or education beyond the secondary school level. Any educational institution receiving a job skills grant under RCW 28C.04.420 shall be free of sectarian control or influence as set forth in Article IX, section 4 of the state Constitution.
(6) "Equipment" means tangible personal property which will further the objectives of the supported program and for which a definite value and evidence in support of the value have been provided by the donor.
(7) "Financial support" means any thing of value which is contributed by business, industry, and others to an educational institution which is reasonably calculated to support directly the development and expansion of a particular program under RCW 28C.04.390 and 28C.04.420 and represents an addition to any financial support previously or customarily provided to such educational institutions by the donor. "Financial support" includes, but is not limited to, funds, equipment, facilities, faculty, and scholarships for matriculating students and trainees.
(8) "Job skills grant" means funding that is provided to an educational institution by the college board for the development or significant expansion of a program under RCW 28C.04.390 and 28C.04.420.
(9) "Job skills program" means a program of skills training or education separate from and in addition to existing vocational education programs and which:
(a) Provides short-term training which has been designated for specific industries;
(b) Provides training for prospective employees before a new plant opens or when existing industry expands;
(c) Includes training and retraining for workers already employed by an existing industry or business where necessary to avoid dislocation or where upgrading of existing employees would create new vacancies for unemployed persons;
(d) Serves areas with high concentrations of economically disadvantaged persons and high unemployment;
(e) Promotes the growth of industry clusters;
(f) Serves areas where there is a shortage of skilled labor to meet job demands; or
(g) Promotes the location of new industry in areas affected by economic dislocation.
(10) "Technical assistance" means professional and any other assistance provided by business and industry to an educational institution, which is reasonably calculated to support directly the development and expansion of a particular program and which represents an addition to any technical assistance previously or customarily provided to the educational institutions by the donor.
[ 2017 c 39 § 2. Prior: 2009 c 554 § 1; 1999 c 121 § 2; 1983 1st ex.s. c 21 § 2.]
Severability—1983 1st ex.s. c 21: See note following RCW 28C.04.400.