There is hereby dedicated to the public for street and boulevard purposes the following described lands situated in section 16, township 25 north, range 4 east, W.M., and blocks 7 and 8 of Lake Washington shore lands, to wit: Beginning at the one-quarter (1/4) corner on the north line of said section sixteen (16); thence east along the north line thereof, a distance of three hundred forty-nine and thirty-four one-hundredths (349.34) feet; thence south at right angles to the said north line, a distance of thirty-five feet to the point of beginning of this description; thence south eighty-nine degrees fifty-seven minutes and forty-three seconds (89˚57'43") east a distance of six hundred seventy-three and seventeen one-hundredths (673.17) feet; thence southwesterly along the arc of a curve to the left, having a uniform radius of one thousand (1,000) feet, said curve being tangent to the last above described line, a distance of one thousand three hundred seventy-three and six one-hundredths (1,373.06) feet to a point of tangency; thence south eleven degrees twenty-two minutes and two seconds (11˚22'02") west, a distance of five hundred fifty-six and twenty-two one-hundredths (556.22) feet to a point of tangency on the easterly margin of Montlake Boulevard as laid off and established by Ordinance No. 26332; thence along said easterly margin northerly along the arc of a curve to the left, having a uniform radius of four hundred sixty (460) feet, a distance of one hundred forty-three and forty-one one-hundredths (143.41) feet to a point of a reverse curve; thence northerly along the arc of a curve to the right having a uniform radius of four hundred sixty (460) feet, a distance of one hundred twenty and ninety-four one-hundredths (120.94) feet to a point of reverse curve; thence northerly along the arc of a curve to the left, having a uniform radius of two thousand nine hundred seventy-four and ninety-three one-hundredths (2,974.93) feet, a distance of two hundred eighty-four (284) feet; thence departing from said easterly margin north eleven degrees twenty-two minutes and two seconds (11˚22'02") east, a distance of fourteen and seventy-four one-hundredths (14.74) feet to the beginning of a curve to the right, having a uniform radius of one thousand seventy (1,070) feet; thence northeasterly along the arc of said curve, a distance of seven hundred ninety-six and thirty-three one-hundredths (796.33) feet to a point of reverse curve; thence northeasterly, northerly and northwesterly along the arc of a curve to the left, having a uniform radius of seventy-four and forty-six one-hundredths (74.46) feet, a distance of one hundred eighty-seven and ten one-hundredths (187.10) feet to the point of beginning.
Also the following described lands, to wit: Beginning at a point on the east line of said section, said point being distant nine hundred eighty-nine and sixty one-hundredths (989.60) feet south from the northeast corner of said section; thence south along said east line a distance of four hundred seventy-nine and fifty-three one-hundredths (479.53) feet to a point on the government meander line along the shore of Lake Washington; thence along said meander line south seventy-eight degrees thirteen minutes thirty-three seconds (78˚13'33") west, a distance of sixty-six and fifty one-hundredths (66.50) feet; thence north twenty-nine degrees forty-six minutes twenty-seven seconds (29˚46'27") west, a distance of one hundred sixty-six and ninety-two one-hundredths (166.92) feet; thence departing from said meander line north no degrees fifty-three minutes seven seconds (0˚53'07") east, a distance of three hundred fifty-four and sixty-three one-hundredths (354.63) feet; thence northwesterly along the arc of a curve to the right having a uniform radius of one hundred eighty-five (185) feet, a distance of twenty-two and two one-hundredths (22.02) feet to a point of tangency on a line which bears north twenty-nine degrees six minutes fifty-three seconds (29˚06'53") west; thence northwesterly along said line, a distance of nine hundred eighteen and sixty-five one-hundredths (918.65) feet to the beginning of a curve to the left, having a uniform radius of two hundred fifty (250) feet; thence northwesterly along the arc of said curve, a distance of two hundred sixty-five and fifty one-hundredths (265.50) feet to a point of tangency on the south margin of East Forty-fifth Street; thence east along said south margin, a distance of three hundred twenty-nine and fourteen one-hundredths (329.14) feet to a point which is distant five hundred ten and seventy-nine one-hundredths (510.79) feet west from the east line of said section sixteen (16); thence southwesterly, southerly and southeasterly along the arc of a curve to the left having a uniform radius of sixty (60) feet a distance of one hundred twenty-four and seventy-eight one-hundredths (124.78) feet to a point of tangency; thence south twenty-nine degrees six minutes fifty-three seconds (29˚06'53") east, a distance of nine hundred twenty-four and twenty-four one-hundredths (924.24) feet to the beginning of a curve to the left having a uniform radius of one hundred fifteen (115) feet; thence southeasterly along the arc of said curve, a distance of one hundred twenty and fifty-one one-hundredths (120.51) feet to the point of beginning.
[ 1969 ex.s. c 223 § 28B.20.340. Prior: 1913 c 24 § 1. Formerly RCW 28.77.280.]