To help assure continued progress in academic achievement as a foundation for high school graduation and to assure that students are on track for high school graduation in whichever graduation pathway the student chooses, each school district shall:
(1) Provide students who did not meet or exceed the standard on the high school assessments in English language arts or mathematics under RCW 28A.655.070, with the opportunity to access any combination of interventions, academic supports, or courses, that are designed to support students in meeting high school graduation requirements. These interventions, supports, and courses must be rigorous and consistent with the student's educational and career goals identified in his or her high school and beyond plan, and may include career and technical education equivalencies in English language arts or mathematics adopted under RCW 28A.230.097; and
(2) Prepare student learning plans and notify students and their parents or legal guardians as provided in this subsection. Student learning plans are required for eighth grade students who were not successful on any or all of the content areas of the state assessment during the previous school year or who are not on track to graduate due to credit deficiencies or absences. The parent or legal guardian shall be notified about the information in the student learning plan, preferably through a parent conference and at least annually. To the extent feasible, schools serving English language learner students and their parents shall translate the student learning plan into the primary language of the family. The student learning plan must include the following information as applicable:
(a) The student's results on the state assessment;
(b) If the student is in the transitional bilingual instruction program, the score on his or her Washington language proficiency test II;
(c) Any credit deficiencies;
(d) The student's attendance rates over the previous two years;
(e) The student's progress toward meeting state and local graduation requirements;
(f) The courses, competencies, and other steps the student needs to take to meet state academic standards and stay on track for graduation;
(g) Remediation strategies and alternative education options available to students, including informing students of the option to continue to receive instructional services after grade twelve or until age twenty-one;
(h) School district programs, high school courses, and career and technical education options available for students to meet graduation requirements; and
(i) Available programs offered through skill centers or community and technical colleges, including diploma options under RCW 28B.50.535.
[ 2019 c 252 § 203.]
Effective date—2019 c 252 § 203: "Section 203 of this act takes effect August 31, 2022." [ 2019 c 252 § 506.]
Intent—2019 c 252: See note following RCW 28A.655.250.