(1) Each school district shall require that report cards for students in kindergarten through fourth grade include information regarding how the student is progressing on acquiring reading skills and whether the student is at grade level in reading.
(2) If a student is not reading at or above grade level, the teacher, with the support of other school personnel as appropriate, must explain to the parent or guardian which interventions and strategies will be used to help improve the student's reading skills and must provide strategies for parents or guardians to assist with improving the student's reading skills at home.
(3) Each school shall report to the school district the number of students in grades kindergarten through four who are reading below grade level and the interventions that are being provided to improve the reading skills of the students, with the information disaggregated by subgroups of students. The school district shall aggregate the reports from the schools and provide the reports to the office of the superintendent of public instruction. The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall submit a statewide report annually to the education committees of the legislature and the educational opportunity gap oversight and accountability committee.
[ 2013 2nd sp.s. c 18 § 104.]
Application—Enforcement of laws protecting health and safety—2013 2nd sp.s. c 18: See note following RCW 28A.600.022.