(1) Public schools may develop curricula that:
(a) Links student learning with engagement in seasonal or nonseasonal outdoor-based activities, including activities related to academic requirements in science, health and fitness, and career and technical education;
(b) Aligns with the *essential academic learning requirements under RCW 28A.655.070 that are a component of the state's instructional program of basic education; and
(c) Includes locally administered competency based assessments that align with the Washington state learning standards.
(2) Public schools that develop curricula under this section may request authorization from the superintendent of public instruction as provided in RCW 28A.300.790 to consider student participation in seasonal or nonseasonal outdoor-based activities as instructional days for the purposes of basic education requirements established in RCW 28A.150.220(5).
[ 2018 c 266 § 409.]
*Reviser's note: The term "essential academic learning requirements" in RCW 28A.655.070 was changed to "state learning standards" by 2019 c 252 s 119.