The office of the superintendent of public instruction shall encourage school districts to implement, expand, or use student court programs for students who commit violations of school rules and policies. Program operations of student courts may be funded by government and private grants. Student court programs are limited to those that:
(1) Are developed using the guidelines for creating and operating student court programs developed by nationally recognized student court projects;
(2) Target violations of school rules by students enrolled in public or private school; and
(3) Emphasize the following principles:
(a) Youth must be held accountable for their problem behavior;
(b) Youth must be educated about the impact their actions have on themselves and others including the school, school personnel, their classmates, their families, and their community;
(c) Youth must develop skills to resolve problems with their peers more effectively; and
(d) Youth should be provided a meaningful forum to practice and enhance newly developed skills.
[ 2002 c 237 § 17.]