(1) The center for the improvement of student learning, or its designee, shall develop and implement a process for identifying programs that have been proven to be effective based upon valid research in teaching elementary students to read. Additional programs shall be reviewed after the initial identification of effective programs.
(2) In identifying effective reading programs, the center for the improvement of student learning, or its designee, shall consult primary education teachers, statewide reading organizations, institutions of higher education, the *commission on student learning, parents, legislators, and other appropriate individuals and organizations.
(3) In identifying effective reading programs, the following criteria shall be used:
(a) Whether the program will help the student meet the state-level and classroom-based assessments for reading;
(b) Whether the program has achieved documented results for students on valid and reliable assessments;
(c) Whether the results of the program have been replicated at different locations over a period of time;
(d) Whether the requirements and specifications for implementing the program are clear so that potential users can clearly determine the requirements of the program and how to implement it;
(e) Whether, when considering the cost of implementing the program, the program is cost-effective relative to other similar types of programs;
(f) Whether the program addresses differing student populations; and
(g) Other appropriate criteria and considerations.
(4) The initial identification of effective reading programs shall be completed and a list of the identified programs prepared by December 31, 1996.
[ 1996 c 273 § 1.]
*Reviser's note: The commission on student learning expired June 30, 1999, and its powers, duties, and functions were transferred to the academic achievement and accountability commission effective July 1, 1999, pursuant to 1999 c 388 § 502. The enabling statute, RCW 28A.630.885, was recodified as RCW 28A.655.060 pursuant to 1999 c 388 § 607 and subsequently repealed by 2004 c 19 § 206.
Effective date—1996 c 273: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect immediately [March 29, 1996]." [ 1996 c 273 § 6.]