(1)(a) The superintendent of public instruction shall adopt rules establishing a standard definition of student absence from school. In adopting the definition, the superintendent shall review current practices in Washington school districts, definitions used in other states, and any national standards or definitions used by the national center for education statistics or other national groups. The superintendent shall also consult with the building bridges work group established under *RCW 28A.175.075.
(b) Using the definition of student absence adopted under this section, the superintendent shall establish an indicator for measuring student attendance in high schools for purposes of the PASS program under RCW 28A.175.130.
(2)(a) The K-12 data governance group under RCW 28A.300.507 shall establish the parameters and an implementation schedule for statewide collection through the comprehensive education and data research system of: (i) Student attendance data using the definitions of student absence adopted under this section; and (ii) student discipline data with a focus on suspensions and expulsions from school.
(b) Student suspension and expulsion data collected for the purposes of this subsection (2) must be:
(i) Made publicly available and easily accessible on the superintendent of public instruction's website; and
(ii) Disaggregated and cross-tabulated as established under RCW 28A.300.042.
(c) School districts must collect and submit student attendance data and student discipline data for high school students through the comprehensive education and data research system for purposes of the PASS program under RCW 28A.175.130 beginning in the 2012-13 school year.
[ 2013 2nd sp.s. c 18 § 306; 2011 c 288 § 10.]
*Reviser's note: RCW 28A.175.075 was amended by 2020 c 114 § 2, renaming the "building bridges work group" to the "graduation: a team effort partnership advisory committee."
Application—Enforcement of laws protecting health and safety—2013 2nd sp.s. c 18: See note following RCW 28A.600.022.