28A.100.010 Intent.
[1987 c 401 § 1.]
Expired June 30, 1989, pursuant to 1987 c 401 § 11(2).
28A.100.011 Definitions.
[1987 c 401 § 2.]
Expired June 30, 1989, pursuant to 1987 c 401 § 11(2).
28A.100.012 Temporary committee on the assessment and accountability of educational outcomes.
[1987 c 401 § 3.]
Expired December 2, 1988, pursuant to 1987 c 401 § 11(1).
28A.100.013 Temporary committee — Duties.
[1987 c 401 § 4.]
Expired June 30, 1989, pursuant to 1987 c 401 § 11(2).
28A.100.015 Report to legislature.
[1987 c 401 § 5.]
Expired June 30, 1989, pursuant to 1987 c 401 § 11(2).
28A.100.016 Gifts and grants — Creation and use of educational outcomes assessment account.
[1987 c 401 § 6.]
Expired June 30, 1989, pursuant to 1987 c 401 § 11(2).
28A.100.017 Field tests of educational outcomes and related measures — Report.
[1987 c 401 § 7.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.630.010 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.018 Rules.
[1987 c 401 § 8.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.630.020 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.019 Use of educational outcomes and related measures as part of a schools for the twenty-first century pilot project.
[1987 c 401 § 9.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.630.030 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.020 Application for grants.
[1987 c 401 § 10.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.630.040 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.025 Expiration dates — 1987 c 401.
[1987 c 401 § 11.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.630.090 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.026 Severability — 1987 c 401.
[1987 c 401 § 13.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.630.091 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.030 Program established — Goals — Intent.
[1987 c 525 § 101.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.630.100 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.032 Duties of state board of education.
[1987 c 525 § 102.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.630.110 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.034 Task force — Duties — Members — Travel expenses.
[1987 c 525 § 103.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.630.120 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.036 Approval of projects by state board — Recommendations by task force.
[1987 c 525 § 104.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.630.130 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.038 Applications — Proposed plan.
[1988 c 1 § 1; 1987 c 525 § 105.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.630.140 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.040 Selection of projects.
[1987 c 525 § 106.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.630.150 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.042 Administration of program and grant of funding by superintendent — Distribution of grants — Length of projects.
[1987 c 525 § 107.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.630.160 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.044 Gifts, grants, and contributions for program — Schools for the twenty-first century pilot program account.
[1987 c 525 § 108.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.630.170 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.048 Waivers from certain statutes or rules.
[1987 c 525 § 109.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.630.180 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.050 Rules prohibited from being waived — Procedure for requesting waiver of federal regulations.
[1987 c 525 § 110.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.630.190 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.052 Resources and support for participant school districts — Use of colleges and universities — Staff development.
[1987 c 525 § 111.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.630.200 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.054 Rules.
[1987 c 525 § 112.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.630.210 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.056 Reports.
[1987 c 525 § 113.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.630.220 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.058 Information on projects — Superintendent's duties through state clearinghouse for education information.
[1987 c 525 § 114.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.630.230 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.068 Expiration date — 1987 c 525 §§ 101-114.
[1987 c 525 § 115.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.630.290 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.080 Increased curriculum programs and opportunities.
[1988 c 268 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.340.010 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.082 Eligibility — Participation.
[1988 c 268 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.340.020 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.084 Application — Review by the superintendent of public instruction.
[1988 c 268 § 4.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.340.030 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.086 Adoption of salary schedules — Computation of fringe benefits.
[1988 c 268 § 5.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.340.040 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.088 Report to the superintendent of public instruction — Report to the legislature.
[1988 c 268 § 7.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.340.050 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.090 Rules.
[1988 c 268 § 8.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.340.060 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.
28A.100.092 Allocation of state funds for technical assistance — Contracting with agencies for technical assistance.
[1988 c 268 § 9.]
Recodified as RCW 28A.340.070 pursuant to 1990 c 33 § 4.