(1) A director may resign at any time by delivering an executed notice in the form of a record to the president, the secretary of the corporation, or another officer designated for that purpose in the articles or bylaws. A director may also resign by giving oral notice to the board at a meeting of the board.
(2) A resignation is effective when the notice is delivered unless the notice specifies a later effective time.
(3) If the resignation of a director of a charitable corporation results in the charitable corporation having no directors in office, then the resigning director shall notify the attorney general that the charitable corporation has no directors in office. Such notice must be in the form of a record delivered to the attorney general within ten calendar days after the effective date of the director's resignation.
[ 2021 c 176 § 2408.]
Effective date—2021 c 176: See note following RCW 24.03A.005.