Public benefit designation.

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(1) There is hereby established the special designation of "public benefit nonprofit corporation." A corporation may be designated as a public benefit nonprofit corporation if it meets the following requirements:

(a) The corporation complies with this chapter; and

(b) The corporation is currently recognized by the internal revenue service as an organization described in section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code or is exempt from applying for that recognition under section 508(c) of the internal revenue code.

(2) A temporary designation as a public benefit nonprofit corporation may be provided to a corporation that has applied to the internal revenue service for recognition of its status as an organization described in section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code. The temporary designation is valid for up to one year and may be renewed at the discretion of the secretary of state.

(3) Designation of a corporation as a public benefit nonprofit corporation does not alter the applicability to the corporation of any other provision of this chapter.

[ 2021 c 176 § 1701.]


Effective date—2021 c 176: See note following RCW 24.03A.005.

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