(1) A person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity and a manufacturer's authorized engineers and factory-trained service technicians it employs are exempt from licensing requirements under RCW 19.28.041, certification requirements under RCW 19.28.161, and inspection requirements under this chapter for the maintenance, repair, or replacement of components and the disconnection and reconnection of existing low voltage digital control system connections within the confines of the manufacturer's industrial equipment. Except for disconnection and reconnection of existing low voltage digital control system connections, this exemption does not include any: (a) Installation, maintenance, repair, disconnection, or reconnection of any premises wiring or electrical equipment connected to industrial equipment; (b) on-site assembly of industrial equipment; or (c) electrical interconnections between industrial equipment units.
(2) Modifications may not include any changes to the original intended equipment configuration. Any entity making modifications is responsible for maintaining conformance to applicable electrical product safety standards. Proof of conformance must be in accordance with this chapter.
(3) For the purposes of this section, "industrial equipment" means utilization equipment that is: (a) Fully assembled at the manufacturer's facility; (b) self-contained on a single skid or frame; (c) of a type that conforms to applicable standards or is indicated as acceptable by the established standards of any electrical product testing laboratory which is accredited by the department; and (d) directly used in manufacturing or industrial process not accessible to the public.
[ 2020 c 211 § 1.]