The department, in coordination with the board, shall prepare an examination to be administered to applicants for master journey level electrician, journey level electrician, master specialty electrician, and specialty electrician certificates of competency.
The department, with the consent of the board, may enter into a contract with a professional testing agency to develop, administer, and score electrician certification examinations. The department may set the examination fee by contract with the professional testing agency.
The department must, at least four times annually, administer the examination to persons eligible to take it under RCW 19.28.191. The fee must cover, but not exceed, the costs of preparing and administering the examination.
The department must certify the results of the examination upon the terms and after such a period of time as the department, in cooperation with the board, deems necessary and proper.
(1)(a) The master electrician's certificates of competency examinations must include questions from the following categories to ensure proper safety and protection for the general public: (i) Safety; (ii) the state electrical code; and (iii) electrical theory.
(b) A person may take the master electrician examination as many times as necessary without limit. All applicants must, before taking the examination, pay the required examination fee to the agency administering the examination.
(2) The journey level electrician and specialty electrician examinations shall be constructed to determine:
(a) Whether the applicant possesses varied general knowledge of the technical information and practical procedures that are identified with the status of journey level electrician or specialty electrician; and
(b) Whether the applicant is sufficiently familiar with the applicable electrical codes and the rules of the department pertaining to electrical installations and electricians.
A person may take the examination as many times as necessary without limit. All applicants must, before taking the examination, pay the required examination fee to the agency administering the examination.
[ 2013 c 23 § 31; 2002 c 249 § 6; 2001 c 211 § 13; 1996 c 147 § 8; 1988 c 81 § 14; 1986 c 156 § 13; 1983 c 206 § 15; 1980 c 30 § 5. Formerly RCW 19.28.540.]