(1) No license under the provision of this chapter shall be required from any utility or any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity employed by a utility because of work in connection with the installation, repair, or maintenance of lines, wires, apparatus, or equipment owned by or under the control of a utility and used for transmission or distribution of electricity from the source of supply to the point of contact at the premises and/or property to be supplied and service connections and meters and other apparatus or appliances used in the measurement of the consumption of electricity by the customer.
(2) No license under the provisions of this chapter shall be required from any utility because of work in connection with the installation, repair, or maintenance of the following:
(a) Lines, wires, apparatus, or equipment used in the lighting of streets, alleys, ways, or public areas or squares;
(b) Lines, wires, apparatus, or equipment owned by a commercial, industrial, or public institution customer that are an integral part of a transmission or distribution system, either overhead or underground, providing service to such customer and located outside the building or structure: PROVIDED, That a utility does not initiate the sale of services to perform such work;
(c) Lines and wires, together with ancillary apparatus, and equipment, owned by a customer that is an independent power producer who has entered into an agreement for the sale of electricity to a utility and that are used in transmitting electricity from an electrical generating unit located on premises used by such customer to the point of interconnection with the utility's system.
(3) Any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity licensed under RCW 19.28.041 may enter into a contract with a utility for the performance of work under subsection (2) of this section.
(4) No license under the provisions of this chapter shall be required from any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity because of the work of installing and repairing ignition or lighting systems for motor vehicles.
(5) No license under the provisions of this chapter shall be required from any person, firm, partnership, corporation, or other entity because of work in connection with the installation, repair, or maintenance of wires and equipment, and installations thereof, exempted in RCW 19.28.010.
(6) The department may by rule exempt from licensing requirements under this chapter work performed on premanufactured electric power generation equipment assemblies and control gear involving the testing, repair, modification, maintenance, or installation of components internal to the power generation equipment, the control gear, or the transfer switch.
(7) This chapter does not require an electrical contractor license if: (a) An appropriately certified electrician or a properly supervised certified electrical trainee is performing the installation, repair, or maintenance of wires and equipment for a nonprofit corporation that holds a current tax exempt status as provided under 26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(3) or a nonprofit religious organization; (b) the certified electrician or certified electrical trainee is not compensated for the electrical work; and (c) the value of the electrical work does not exceed thirty thousand dollars.
(8) An entity that currently holds a valid plumbing contractor's license under chapter 18.106 RCW, or, until January 1, 2021, an entity that currently holds a valid specialty or general plumbing contractor's registration under chapter 18.27 RCW may employ a certified plumber, a certified residential plumber, or a plumber trainee meeting the requirements of chapter 18.106 RCW to perform electrical work that is incidentally, directly, and immediately appropriate to the like-in-kind replacement of a household appliance or other small household utilization equipment that requires limited electric power and limited waste and/or water connections. A plumber trainee must be supervised by a certified plumber or a certified residential plumber while performing electrical work. The electrical work is subject to the permitting and inspection requirements of this chapter.
[ 2020 c 153 § 23. Prior: 2003 c 399 § 301; 2003 c 242 § 1; 2001 c 211 § 6; 1998 c 98 § 1; 1992 c 240 § 1; 1980 c 30 § 15; 1935 c 169 § 11; RRS § 8307-11. Formerly RCW 19.28.200.]
Part headings not law—2003 c 399: See note following RCW 19.28.006.