The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(1) "Entity" includes a sole proprietor, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, trust, association, financial institution, governmental entity, other than the federal government, and any other individual or group, engaged in a trade, occupation, enterprise, governmental function, or similar activity in this state, however organized and whether organized to operate at a profit.
(2) "Destroy personal information" means shredding, erasing, or otherwise modifying personal information in records to make the personal information unreadable or undecipherable through any reasonable means.
(3) "Individual" means a natural person, except that if the individual is under a legal disability, "individual" includes a parent or duly appointed legal representative.
(4) "Personal financial" and "health information" mean information that is identifiable to an individual and that is commonly used for financial or health care purposes, including account numbers, access codes or passwords, information gathered for account security purposes, credit card numbers, information held for the purpose of account access or transaction initiation, or information that relates to medical history or status.
(5) "Personal identification number issued by a government entity" means a tax identification number, social security number, driver's license or permit number, state identification card number issued by the department of licensing, or any other number or code issued by a government entity for the purpose of personal identification that is protected and is not available to the public under any circumstances.
(6) "Record" includes any material, regardless of the physical form, on which information is recorded or preserved by any means, including in written or spoken words, graphically depicted, printed, or electromagnetically transmitted. "Record" does not include publicly available directories containing information an individual has voluntarily consented to have publicly disseminated or listed, such as name, address, or telephone number.
[ 2002 c 90 § 2.]