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17.21.090 Examination for applicator's license — Fee.
[1987 c 45 § 27; 1986 c 203 § 7; 1971 ex.s. c 191 § 2; 1967 c 177 § 5; 1961 c 249 § 9.]
Repealed by 1989 c 380 § 74.

17.21.120 Examination for operator's license — Fee.
[1987 c 45 § 29; 1986 c 203 § 8; 1967 c 177 § 7; 1961 c 249 § 12.]
Repealed by 1989 c 380 § 74.

17.21.124 Private-commercial applicator's license — Examination.
[1979 c 92 § 7.]
Repealed by 1989 c 380 § 74.

17.21.187 Limited private applicator and rancher private applicator — Purpose — Pilot project — Definitions — Application for license.
[1999 c 145 § 1; 1997 c 242 § 20.]
Expired December 31, 2004.

17.21.205 Landscape gardener exemption from licensing.
[1979 c 92 § 5; 1971 ex.s. c 191 § 6; 1967 c 177 § 18.]
Repealed by 1989 c 380 § 75, effective January 1, 1990.

17.21.210 Forest land exemption — Inclusion within chapter — Application of food, drug and cosmetic act.
[1961 c 249 § 21.]
Repealed by 1971 ex.s. c 191 § 11.

17.21.230 Pesticide advisory board.
[1994 c 283 § 26; 1989 c 380 § 54; 1988 c 36 § 8; 1974 ex.s. c 20 § 1; 1971 ex.s. c 191 § 8; 1967 c 177 § 14; 1961 c 249 § 23.]
Repealed by 2010 1st sp.s. c 7 § 132, effective June 30, 2010.

17.21.240 Pesticide advisory board — Vacancies.
[1994 c 283 § 27; 1989 c 380 § 55; 1961 c 249 § 24.]
Repealed by 2010 1st sp.s. c 7 § 132, effective June 30, 2010.

17.21.250 Pesticide advisory board — Duties.
[1989 c 380 § 56; 1961 c 249 § 25.]
Repealed by 2010 1st sp.s. c 7 § 132, effective June 30, 2010.

17.21.260 Pesticide advisory board — Officers, meetings.
[1994 c 283 § 28; 1989 c 380 § 57; 1961 c 249 § 26.]
Repealed by 2010 1st sp.s. c 7 § 132, effective June 30, 2010.

17.21.270 Pesticide advisory board — Travel expenses.
[1989 c 380 § 58; 1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 34 § 24; 1961 c 249 § 27.]
Repealed by 2010 1st sp.s. c 7 § 132, effective June 30, 2010.

17.21.330 Special programs due to use or misuse of restricted herbicides — Fees — Hearings.
[1975 c 27 § 1.]
Expired July 1, 1980.

17.21.360 Registration and license fee surcharge — Agricultural local fund — Pesticide incidents and investigations funded by one-time surcharge.
[1994 c 283 § 31; 1993 sp.s. c 19 § 10; 1989 c 380 § 66.]
Repealed by 1997 c 242 § 22, effective January 1, 1998.

17.21.910 Prior licenses, continuation, expiration — Grandfathering.
[1994 c 283 § 35; 1992 c 170 § 10; 1989 c 380 § 65; 1961 c 249 § 32.]
Repealed by 1997 c 242 § 21.

17.21.930 Severability-1961 c 249.
[1961 c 249 § 35.]
Decodified by the code reviser, July 2016.

17.21.931 Severability-1967 c 177.
[1967 c 177 § 20.]
Decodified by the code reviser, July 2016.

17.21.932 Severability-1979 c 92.
[1979 c 92 § 10.]
Decodified by the code reviser, July 2016.

17.21.933 Severability — 1989 c 380.

Cross-reference section, decodified September 2011.

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