11.98.010 Violation of rule against perpetuities by instrument — Periods during which trust not invalid.
[1984 c 149 § 87; 1965 c 145 § 11.98.010. Prior: 1959 c 146 § 1.]
Recodified as RCW 11.98.130 pursuant to 1984 c 149 § 86, effective January 1, 1985.
11.98.020 Distribution of assets and vesting of interest during period trust not invalid.
[1984 c 149 § 88; 1965 c 145 § 11.98.020. Prior: 1959 c 146 § 2.]
Recodified as RCW 11.98.140 pursuant to 1984 c 149 § 86, effective January 1, 1985.
11.98.029 Resignation of trustee.
Reviser's note: RCW 11.98.029 was restored to full force and effect by 1989 c 10 § 4.
11.98.030 Distribution of assets at expiration of period.
[1984 c 149 § 89; 1965 c 145 § 11.98.030. Prior: 1959 c 146 § 3.]
Recodified as RCW 11.98.150 pursuant to 1984 c 149 § 86, effective January 1, 1985.
11.98.040 Effective date of creation of trust.
[1984 c 149 § 90; 1965 c 145 § 11.98.040. Prior: 1959 c 146 § 4.]
Recodified as RCW 11.98.160 pursuant to 1984 c 149 § 86, effective January 1, 1985.
11.98.050 Application of chapter.
[1984 c 149 § 93; 1971 ex.s. c 229 § 1; 1965 c 145 § 11.98.050. Prior: 1959 c 146 § 5.]
Recodified as RCW 11.98.900 pursuant to 1984 c 149 § 92, effective January 1, 1985.
11.98.090 Nonliability of third persons without knowledge of breach.
[1985 c 30 § 52. Prior: 1984 c 149 § 83; 1959 c 124 § 8. Formerly RCW 30.99.080.]
Repealed by 2013 c 272 § 18.
11.98.910 Severability-1959 c 124.
[1985 c 30 § 61. Prior: 1959 c 124 § 11. Formerly RCW 30.99.900.]
Decodified by the code reviser, July 2016.